Bluetooth Module for ALPriority


Gen. 2 Bluetooth Module supports Control Set add-on as a secondary back-up or alternative controller for ALP, in case the phone isn’t present.

ALP-Connect app now supports both iPhone and Android devices. Bluetooth Module uses BT v4.0.

System Requirement
AL Priority Firmware 4.5.1 or higher
iPhone 4S and up and iPod/iPad with Bluetooth 4.0
Android 4.3 and Bluetooth 4.0

You can install your ALP sensors and mount the Control Unit in the engine compartment and there would be no reason to run wires under the dash. In this case use a waterproof enclosure to protect the Control Unit and the module from moisture. Download ALP Connect app on your Apple device from iTunes. The smartphone app will give you all the functions of the control module and will add a visual display and voice alerts.

Genevo MAX


GENEVO MAX on varustatud meie kaasaskantavate radaridetektorite seas kõige võimsama 360 ° radarantenniga, sõjaväelise kollimaatori tehnoloogiaga täielikult ümber kujundatud lasersensoriga ja uusima, 5. põlvkonna GPS-antenniga kogu Euroopa andmebaasiga. Teel ei oota teid üllatusi.

Välja töötatud teie maksimaalse mugavuse tagamiseks, olgu see siis meie tipptasemel valehäire filtreerimise tehnoloogia, žestide juhtimine, valgusandur või sõiduki mürasensor. MAX-i funktsioonidega harjute hetkega.

MAX ei mõjuta mingil moel aktiivselt politseitööd ja on seaduslik kasutamiseks valitud Euroopa riikides. Tänu MAXi kompaktsele suurusele on täielik nähtamatus kõige uuemate Politsei RDD’ga (radariavastajad) , samuti on seadmel”legaliseerimisrežiim”, mis lukustab detektori ainult teie GPS-i kiiruse näitamiseks, see ei tekita liigset soovimatut tähelepanu.

GENEVO MAXiga kaitstakse teid kõigi politseiradarite eest, kaasa arvatud tavaliselt tänapäeval avastamatu GATSO RT3/RT4 radari ja MultiRadari eest mida kasutatakse sageli Euroopas. Samuti tuvastab seade ära punase tule kaamerad ning keskmist kiirust mõõtvad kiiruskaamerad. Lisaväärtusena, software uuendused on alatiseks tasuta.

Tänu oma atraktiivsele välimusele sobib see igasse auto interjööri. MAX magnetihoidik tagab selle mugava kasutuse nii vertikaalselt kui ka horisontaalselt. Uueks lisaks on mitmevärviline QLED-ekraan, millel on automaatne heleduse reguleerimine ja integreeritud kõrvaklappide sisend.

Pole tehnika fänn? Ära muretse, GENEVO MAXi on väga lihtne kasutada ilma nutitelefoni sidumise ja muude lisaprobleemideta, lihtsalt ühendage ja kasutage!

Süsteemi ja GPS-i andmebaasi värskendused on kogu elu vältel tasuta ja neid on lihtne teha, nüüd PC ja MacOS kaudu.
Kõik on tehtud 1 minutiga.

Värviline ekraan kuvab nüüd kaks korda rohkem teavet kui varem ja on selgelt nähtav kõigi nurkade alt.

Liikumisandur kontaktivabaks kasutamiseks. Helisignaali summutamine toimib käega viibates.

Intelligentne valgusandur heleduse automaatseks reguleerimiseks. Ekraan reguleerib heledust automaatselt vastavalt salongi valguse hulgale.

Müraandur salongis. Detektor reguleerib alarmi helitugevuse automaatselt vastavalt sõidukisisese müra tasemele.

Laserlääts on täielikult ümber kujundatud ja selle tundlikkus on mitmekordistunud.
Sarnast lasertehnoloogiat kasutatakse ka sõjaväe helkursihikutel.

Täiesti nähtamatu politsei RDD vastu (Radaripüüdja avastajad)

Režiim, mis lukustab detektori GPS-kiiruse indikaatorisse ainult politsei tõrgeteta kontrollimiseks riikides, kus detektorid pole lubatud.

Uusim 5. põlvkonna GPS-moodul koos AlwaysLocate ™ ja EASY ™ tehnoloogiaga, integreerides GPS, GLONASS, Galileo ja QZSS, tagab parema vastuvõtu kaugemates piirkondades ja kiirema käivitamise.

Täiesti uuendatud valehäire filtreerimissüsteem, mis on konkurentsitult parim.

Varustatud uusima USB-C standardiga värskenduste jaoks ja klassikalise 3,5 mm kõrvaklappide pesaga mootorratastel kasutamiseks.

Genevo Pro M


Genevo PRO with HDM+ antenna (detecting MultaRadars CD/CT) without Laser DefenseGenevo PRO is a 2017 newcomer. It is a built-in set with a new detachable display and integrated Genevo HD+ radar antenna. In its development emphasis was put especially on the best functionality, user-friendliness and simplicity of installation. It consists of the main control unit, GPS antenna, radar antenna, display and display dock.

All in One Radar and Laser protection

Genevo PRO can be connected with a laser jammer. You can choose either our Genevo FF or the world´s no. 1 AntiLaser Priority. Both of these laser jammers are controlled via the Genevo PRO´s menu.

Two antennas, Better performance

Two radar antennas can be connected to the Genevo PRO. You can use one Genevo HD+ antenna vertically for the best radar detection in whole Europe and another HDM+ antenna positioned horizontally for the detection of the MultaRadars CD/CT, which are used for example in Slovakia and which other detectors have difficulty detecting. As an alternative, one radar antenna can be installed in the front and another one in the back for better detection on both sides.

The most accurate GPS database

Our GPS database is unrivalled on the market as it is managed by us and our partners, the professionals in the area. It includes stationary radars, section radars and traffic lights cameras.

Updates and settings have never been easier

Genevo PRO can be easily updated and set by means of any USB flash disk. All you need is go to, set the parameters, download the file onto the flash disk and then store it on your Genevo PRO. The update and settings will be done automatically.

Do you need to deactivate your PRO quickly? Just remove the display

While in few countries in the EU the use of Genevo PRO is legal, in other countries it is not, which is why it has a removable display. That means that if you need to deactivate the device in any situation, you can simply remove the display from the dock and put it, for example, in your pocket. Then the device becomes inactive. Only you can activate it again using the display. If you want to remove the whole dock, it is not a problem either. The only thing that is left then is the MicroUSB charger, which you can use for charging your mobile phone.

Do you own Genevo HD+ with GPS+? You can upgrade it

If you are already a proud owner of a Genevo HD+ with GPS+ and you like the PRO version, you can upgrade! Please, contact us for more information. If you are looking for the very best detector for the whole of Europe, Genevo PRO is the right choice!

The main advantages of Genevo PRO:
Unrivalled price.
Laser jammer connection.
Possible connection of two radar antennas
Removable display.
Update via a USB Flash disk.
The most user-friendly menu.
Excellent sensitivity.
Excellent resistance to false alarms.
The most accurate Europe-wide radar database.
Firmware can be updated via the Internet.
Adapted for Europe

Antilaser G9 RX Dual


AL G9 Dual offers the best 2-head protection on a larger sedan, truck, or SUV, increasing coverage from center mass to outer headlights.

— 1-front and 1-rear install is possible for a smaller car or a motorcycle
— Effective against all police laser guns in Canada and USA
— Functional Parking Sensor – 100% legal in Canada
— Upgradable via optional memory card

Antilaser G9 RX Single


AL G9 Single is the most powerful and reliable front laser protection for a motorcycle up to a mid-size car.

— Effective against all police laser guns in Canada and USA
— Functional Parking Sensor – 100% legal in Canada
— Optional Cheetah Wireless Fitting Kit available for wireless and hassle free install
— Optional Vizalert Helmet Display and Laser Interface available for motorcycle install
— Latest Revision X “ALG9 RX” – Upgradable via optional memo card

Genevo Pro S


Improved version of HD+ without Laser Defense.

Genevo PRO is a 2017 newcomer. It is a built-in set with a new detachable display and integrated Genevo HD+ radar antenna. In its development emphasis was put especially on the best functionality, user-friendliness and simplicity of installation. It consists of the main control unit, GPS antenna, radar antenna, display and display dock.

All in One Radar and Laser protection

Genevo PRO can be connected with a laser jammer. You can choose either our Genevo FF or the world´s no. 1 AntiLaser Priority. Both of these laser jammers are controlled via the Genevo PRO´s menu.

Two antennas, Better performance

Two radar antennas can be connected to the Genevo PRO. You can use one Genevo HD+ antenna vertically for the best radar detection in whole Europe and another HDM+ antenna positioned horizontally for the detection of the MultaRadars CD/CT, which are used for example in Slovakia and which other detectors have difficulty detecting. As an alternative, one radar antenna can be installed in the front and another one in the back for better detection on both sides.

The most accurate GPS database

Our GPS database is unrivalled on the market as it is managed by us and our partners, the professionals in the area. It includes stationary radars, section radars and traffic lights cameras.

Updates and settings have never been easier

Genevo PRO can be easily updated and set by means of any USB flash disk. All you need is go to, set the parameters, download the file onto the flash disk and then store it on your Genevo PRO. The update and settings will be done automatically.

Do you need to deactivate your PRO quickly? Just remove the display

While in few countries in the EU the use of Genevo PRO is legal, in other countries it is not, which is why it has a removable display. That means that if you need to deactivate the device in any situation, you can simply remove the display from the dock and put it, for example, in your pocket. Then the device becomes inactive. Only you can activate it again using the display. If you want to remove the whole dock, it is not a problem either. The only thing that is left then is the MicroUSB charger, which you can use for charging your mobile phone.

Do you own Genevo HD+ with GPS+? You can upgrade it

If you are already a proud owner of a Genevo HD+ with GPS+ and you like the PRO version, you can upgrade! Please, contact us for more information. If you are looking for the very best detector for the whole of Europe, Genevo PRO is the right choice!

The main advantages of Genevo PRO:
Unrivalled price.
Laser jammer connection.
Possible connection of two radar antennas
Removable display.
Update via a USB Flash disk.
The most user-friendly menu.
Excellent sensitivity.
Excellent resistance to false alarms.
The most accurate Europe-wide radar database.
Firmware can be updated via the Internet.
Adapted for Europe

Genevo ONE M


Genevo One M – a 2017 newcomer that reliably and without any problems detects any police radars, including the feared MultaRadars CD/CT, which can´t be detected by most other radar detectors.

This detector has a beautiful metallic body similar to Genevo One S – Black Edition, on which it is partially based in terms of design, but instead of white display illumination, the Genevo One M uses red illumination.

Where is MultaRadar CD/CT used?
— Slovakia
— Austria
— Poland
— Netherlands
— Spain
— Portugal
— Lithuania

What is MultaRadar CD/CT?
MultaRadars CD and CT work in the pulse K-band with low output and are fitted with a flat antenna which radiates sideways only minimally. That makes the detection of such radars really difficult even for the highest quality detectors. These MultaRadars are installed virtually and invisibly in unmarked police cars.

The most accurate GPS database
Our GPS database is unrivalled on the market as it is managed by us and our partners, the professionals in the area. It includes stationary radars, section radars and traffic lights cameras.

If you are looking for the very best detector for the whole of Europe, Genevo One M is the right choice.

The main advantages of Genevo One M:
— Beautiful metallic body.
— High-quality and pleasant display with red illumination.
— The highest MultaRadar CD/CT sensitivity on the market.
— The most user-friendly menu.
— Excellent resistance to false alarms.
— The most accurate Europe-wide radar database.
— Firmware updates via the Internet.
— Free vertical holder.
— Free EU database for 1 year.